New Developmental Psychology Topics for Research Papers

Even though the job openings for recent graduates with psychology degrees are rather low, students continue to pursue psychology degrees. In order to earn a psychology degree, students are usually required to take developmental psychology courses. Professors in those courses love to assign research papers, especially since human developmental psychology is constantly changing. In order for students to learn about developmental psychology, research papers get them to dive deeply into a topic in that subject. If you need some ideas for a developmental psychology research paper, here are few to peruse:

  • Childhood obesity and parenting
  • Growing up on a Fast Food Diet
  • Correlations between Screen Time and Obesity
  • Cutting disorders
  • Mental health post-abortion
  • Violence and teen dating
  • Sexting and the teenage brain
  • Picking the genes of your baby and the impact on society
  • Schizophrenia in the US and other countries
  • Sensitive people and competition
  • Depression and social status
  • Social anxiety disorder and daily routines
  • Gender and depression
  • Physical fitness and depression
  • Physical fitness and stress
  • Bipolar disorder and daily routines
  • Work environment and motivation
  • Overcrowded environments and mental health
  • Homelessness and psychological disorders
  • Hyperactivity in children: Nature vs. Nurture
  • Formation of habits
  • Development of a terrorist
  • Gay adoption and child development theories

When you choose a research paper topic, it is always important to choose a topic that you are interested in researching. You will spend many hours reading articles from scientific journals so you can collect information for your paper. If you do not like the topic, your dislike will show up in the tone of your paper. It is also important that you choose a topic that you can turn into an arguable thesis, because most research papers are actually argumentative or persuasive in nature. Another good rule of thumb when choosing a paper is to investigate how much research is available. If you can actually find first-hand information through interviews, you will have a much better and more reliable research paper than one with information that has passed through several sources before getting to you.