Looking for sample thesis topics

Looking for sample thesis topics can be a fun and challenging task. It requires you to incorporate brainstorming techniques as well as evaluate what topic may interest you and eventually motivate you enough to write about it. When looking for sample thesis topics the goal is to try and determine what an appropriate topic would be for you to research and explore that will result in a comprehensive and informative research paper.

  • Brainstorming – This is a necessary component to make sure you are carefully evaluating what a suitable thesis topic may be.
    • Jot down a list of your most influential classes and how they have helped your future career goals.
    • Evaluate your academic strengths and weaknesses.
    • Consider what stimuli helped you become a successful graduate student.
  • Ask thought provoking questions – These questions should stem from your brainstorming session and allow for the opportunity to delve deeper into the results from the brainstorm.
    • What topics interest you?
    • What personal experiences resonate with your topic and motivate you to research and share?
    • How do you translate the work you performed during your academic career into the work you will perform in your actual career?
  • Identify main points – This will assist in the search for thesis topics by narrowing down the search.
    • Analyze the data you find in your research of thesis topics to make a final decision.
    • Utilize various different methods of data collection to pinpoint the sample theses topics you will consider.
    • After carefully evaluating the sample thesis topics you have chosen, segue into asking your professor for assistance.
  • Asking Your Professor for Help – Most professors want to see you do well and to feel as though their teachings were understood and appreciated. Understanding this will help you feel comfortable with soliciting their assistance/advice in choosing a dissertation or helping you narrow down your choices.
    • Show your professor that you have been doing your research and brainstorming so that he/she knows you are serious about choosing a topic.
    • Ask them for life examples of their own and/or their colleagues on how they developed their dissertation topics.
    • See if they feel comfortable sharing other dissertations or thesis statements that they feel would be beneficial to you.

Looking for sample thesis topics is the springboard to finding the way you will summarize your collegiate experience. It is the surefire way to conduct the necessary research into how you will communicate to your professor everything that you have learned throughout school.
