Great Topics for Your History Research Paper

Believe it or not writing a history research paper can be fun. There are so many interesting historic events to look up and learn about; deciding which one to write on can be tricky. Narrowing down your pick for a paper theme requires a bit of consideration. First, make a list of all of the history topics that you are interested in (related to the assignment criteria of course!) and then pick one or two that you would be interested in knowing more about. From these two do a bit of preliminary research a.k.a a good old fashion Google search. Following a bit of brief researching you should be able to pinpoint which of the topics will be the most intriguing to write about. Now you are set to begin composing an A+ history research paper.

Sometimes narrowing down a history topic takes a little bit of extra thought. To help we have included a list of 10 Fantastic History Paper Topic Ideas.

  1. The Holocaust
  2. This one is a favorite for many students because there are so many things to look into, from the rise of Hitler and WII to the trauma that was done to the victims. The Holocaust has plenty of material to create a great paper. This is why so many students pick it.

  3. The Civil War
  4. Another popular history paper subject is the Civil War. This is a great subject for a debate-oriented paper because depending on your opinions there are two sides to consider. The Civil War is also a historic event with plenty of material to work with. There are many small intricacies for you to look into and make the theme of your essay.

  5. The Great Depression
  6. If you want to cover something a little bit different and more about economics than politics The Great Depression is an excellent research paper topic to look into. Once again there are many intricate events that went on during the Great Depression that would all make for a fantastic paper.

    Figuring out what to write on for your history research paper does not have to be difficult. There are some popular historic events that students often write on. The trick is to find a unique way to write about these topics so that your paper is one of a kind. Do not forget to compose a strong thesis and back it up with strong evidence example.
